It’s commonly said that women spend more on clothing and designer handbags than men. Well, it’s true. Handbags are desired by women, especially those nice elegant handbags from famous designers. Many brands of designer’s handbags are available to choose from. How can we tell that one brand is the most popular and more valuable than others? The value of a handbag is closely related to the reputation of the product, design and the designer. One important factor that may add the value of handbags is famous celebrities choosing them when attending important events of their lives.
If you think that these two factors may give you an influence on choosing the best designer handbags brand, then you’d better take a look at the top 10 on the list:
1. Coach
The New York-based leather goods, the Coach, topped the list with its fine material and the familiarity of women on this brand.
The greatness of this handbag’s brand, the Coach, has been proven by Anne Hathaway. A lot of designer handbag brands in the world, but only a few that made it to the top 10 list. So, have you completed your collection with all of these brands?
2. Louis Vuitton
A must have designer handbag that you won’t miss is Louis Vuitton handbag. When we talk about the luxury designer bags, this Paris-based fashion house is the supreme statement.
Kate Moss, Naomi Campbell, Jennifer Lopez, Uma Thurman, Jessica Simpson, and Angelina Jolie are celebrities using Louis Vuitton.
3. Gucci
Gucci, the Italian brand from Italy, is a very popular brand since 1921, and its popularity continues until these days. Many celebrities collect the Gucci brand. Elizabeth Taylor and Jacqueline Kennedy are just some of the Gucci handbag aficionados.
4. Dooney&Bourke
The luxurious design and materials of the Dooney&Bourke handbags are well known among celebrities and many women worldwide.
Some of the celebrities seen wearing Dooney & Bourke are Hayden Panettiere, Mischa Barton, Emma Roberts, and Marcia Cross.
5. Prada
The chic, classy and luxurious Prada handbag is the first name in mind when it comes to the Italian designer’s bag.
The singer-actress Hillary Duff, the beautiful Eva Longoria, and Liv Tyler are just some of the Prada fanatics.
6. Kate Spade
To fulfill her passion for creating her own line of fashion handbags, Kate Spade made a move to leave her job as a fashion editor of Mademoiselle. Her decision is paid off that the Kate Spade line of handbags is now among the most recognized classy, functional, and chic handbags in the fashion industry.
Blake Lively is one of our celebrities who use Kate Spade.
7. Burberry
The trademark of the Burberry brand is its check pattern. The high quality of this brand makes it popular worldwide. Those who wear the Burberry trademark are usually followed with a “Wow” compliment from others.
The elegant and famous actress Victoria Beckham and Cameron Diaz are just some of the celebrities using the Burberry trademark.
8. Fendi
That double “F” logo is another trademark that we’ll never miss in any collection of designer handbag aficionados. Anyone will surely look elegant and refined wearing the Fendi purse or handbag.
The singer Jenny McCarthy, Jessica Simpson, and the fashion icon Paris Hilton are some of the celebrities who have those double “F” Fendi logo in their handbag collections.
9. Chanel
Have you watched “Sex and the City” ? In this movie, your eyes will be spoiled with the greatness line of Chanel handbags. Chanel is one of the most recognizable handbag brand logos in the fashion industry.
Mischa Barton, Kristin Davis, Emma Watson, Nicole Richie, and Lauren Conrad are some of the famous celebrities seen using Chanel line of bags.
10. Ralph Lauren
Last but not least, our top 10 list is completed with this famous preppy, classy, and hip designs of handbag called Ralph Lauren. The latest collection of Ralph Lauren thrilled many fans of designer handbags.
Included to the celebrities using Ralph Lauren handbags are Natalie Portman, Victoria Beckham, and Sienna Miller.
How about you? what's your favorite designer handbags?
Bookmark/Share this article with others:If you think that these two factors may give you an influence on choosing the best designer handbags brand, then you’d better take a look at the top 10 on the list:
1. Coach
The New York-based leather goods, the Coach, topped the list with its fine material and the familiarity of women on this brand.
The greatness of this handbag’s brand, the Coach, has been proven by Anne Hathaway. A lot of designer handbag brands in the world, but only a few that made it to the top 10 list. So, have you completed your collection with all of these brands?
2. Louis Vuitton
A must have designer handbag that you won’t miss is Louis Vuitton handbag. When we talk about the luxury designer bags, this Paris-based fashion house is the supreme statement.
Kate Moss, Naomi Campbell, Jennifer Lopez, Uma Thurman, Jessica Simpson, and Angelina Jolie are celebrities using Louis Vuitton.
3. Gucci
Gucci, the Italian brand from Italy, is a very popular brand since 1921, and its popularity continues until these days. Many celebrities collect the Gucci brand. Elizabeth Taylor and Jacqueline Kennedy are just some of the Gucci handbag aficionados.
4. Dooney&Bourke
The luxurious design and materials of the Dooney&Bourke handbags are well known among celebrities and many women worldwide.
Some of the celebrities seen wearing Dooney & Bourke are Hayden Panettiere, Mischa Barton, Emma Roberts, and Marcia Cross.
5. Prada
The chic, classy and luxurious Prada handbag is the first name in mind when it comes to the Italian designer’s bag.
The singer-actress Hillary Duff, the beautiful Eva Longoria, and Liv Tyler are just some of the Prada fanatics.
6. Kate Spade
To fulfill her passion for creating her own line of fashion handbags, Kate Spade made a move to leave her job as a fashion editor of Mademoiselle. Her decision is paid off that the Kate Spade line of handbags is now among the most recognized classy, functional, and chic handbags in the fashion industry.
Blake Lively is one of our celebrities who use Kate Spade.
7. Burberry
The trademark of the Burberry brand is its check pattern. The high quality of this brand makes it popular worldwide. Those who wear the Burberry trademark are usually followed with a “Wow” compliment from others.
The elegant and famous actress Victoria Beckham and Cameron Diaz are just some of the celebrities using the Burberry trademark.
8. Fendi
That double “F” logo is another trademark that we’ll never miss in any collection of designer handbag aficionados. Anyone will surely look elegant and refined wearing the Fendi purse or handbag.
The singer Jenny McCarthy, Jessica Simpson, and the fashion icon Paris Hilton are some of the celebrities who have those double “F” Fendi logo in their handbag collections.
9. Chanel
Have you watched “Sex and the City” ? In this movie, your eyes will be spoiled with the greatness line of Chanel handbags. Chanel is one of the most recognizable handbag brand logos in the fashion industry.
Mischa Barton, Kristin Davis, Emma Watson, Nicole Richie, and Lauren Conrad are some of the famous celebrities seen using Chanel line of bags.
10. Ralph Lauren
Last but not least, our top 10 list is completed with this famous preppy, classy, and hip designs of handbag called Ralph Lauren. The latest collection of Ralph Lauren thrilled many fans of designer handbags.
Included to the celebrities using Ralph Lauren handbags are Natalie Portman, Victoria Beckham, and Sienna Miller.
How about you? what's your favorite designer handbags?
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