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The Top Pet Friendly Celeb:
Jennifer Aniston

LOS ANGELES, Calif. -- Jennifer Aniston was voted as the most trustworthy potential pet friendly in a poll of Paw Nation on AOL's.

The star "Marley & Me" won about 70% of the vote of the animal lovers, who also voted on a number of labels containing most wanted celebrity animal. (Lassie, hardly beating out Snoopy)

Mickey Roucke’s Chihuahua, Loki, was the most grieved celebrity pet, who is the star of "The Wrestler" give praise to with a necklace that he wore to numerous in red carpets in award season. Mickey is number two after Jennifer Aniston in the trustworthy pet friendly vote.

Amanda Byne’s dog, Gizmo, was fans' favorite celebrity, who’s beating Britney Spears and Paris Hilton dogs, who was voted would "most like to pet sit" by 54% of voters.
The late Leona Helmsley was voted "Craziest Pet Owner" thanks to willing her dog, Trouble, a $12 million trust fund.

And new presidential pooch Bo came in third to predecessors Socks the cat and Millie the dog as favorite White House pet. Socks and Millie tied with 29% of the vote.

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